Digital Banking Academy

Digital Banking Academy is the educational initiative of the Polish Bank Association, under the auspices of the Committee for Qualification Standards at the Polish Bank Association.

In order to meet the challenges of the era of digital transformation in banks and keep pace with the emerging technologies, we must constantly follow the actions of leaders and competitors, observe trends, try to obtain the latest reports and information. It is not always easy, hence the idea to systematize and organize this knowledge and provide it in an attractive and interactive form.

The Digital Banking Academy series of workshops will enable you to acquire comprehensive knowledge in the field of modern digital solutions that can be used in banking. We will present the topics in areas such as open banking, mobile solutions, aspects of using the cloud, biometry, blockchain or artificial intelligence. The workshops, as lecturers, will be attended by outstanding experts and practitioners who will present issues from a legal and regulatory, business and technological perspective. Each workshop is available as an autonomous module, but the recommended form is the participation in the course as a whole.

Workshop topics:

JANUARY – Everything you need to know about PSD2
FEBRUARY – Cloud Computing – the sky is the limit
MARCH – Blockchain – how to use it in the banking sector?
APRIL – Customer in focus – slogan or reality
MAY – M-Commerce
JUNE – Big Data
SEPTEMBER – Open banking
OCTOBER – Biometry
NOVEMBER – AI & robo-advisory

Participation price: PLN 299 net/person, PLN 1999 / person with the purchase of a package of 9 workshops

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